

March 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order 620pm.

Attendance Heather Lukse, Alberta Gauthier, Amy turner, Scott Padgett. Absent Rick Munch.

Assignment of members for 2024/2025:
Scott Padgett – President
Rick Munch – Vice President
Amy Turner – Secretary
Heather Lukse – Clubhouse Chair
Alberta Gauthier – Beautification Chair

The board discussed which improvements to focus on as first priority for 2024. The top candidates were the 74 entrance landscaping and Clubhouse internet/security. These 2 items will be worked immediately.

Scott reviewed the budget with the new numbers, and projections for 2024/25. Between service hours and an estimation of 5 homeowners not paying dues, the budget already has a deficit of $6000.

After a discussion about the state of the clubhouse and pool area landscaping, a discussion was held about going up on the clubhouse rental fee. The agreed upon new rate was to go from $50 to $100, effective immediately for all new rentals that are not currently in progress. Scott motioned for the board to accept the price increase, and the vote was 4/4 in favor.

Scott brought up the idea of allowing neighborhood businesses to advertise on the Facebook page for $100 annually. Scott motioned for the Board to allow this, and the vote was 4/4 in favor.

Scott brought up the task of updating the covenants to make clarifications, allow the Board to enforce restrictions, updating of communication methods, and other things. Scott motioned to be able to get with the attorneys and begin this process. The Board voted 4/4 in favor.

Amy brought up that the next social event will be a mothers day/fathers day craft. More to come for this.

Scott motioned to adjourn approximately 8pm, seconded by Alberta. Meeting dismissed.