

August 14th, 2019 HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Old Mill HOA Board Meeting

Wednesday August 14, 2019

7pm @ Clubhouse

In attendance: Rick Munch, Richard Thompson, Rob Ray, Stephanie Brown, Doug Pourciau, Alberta Gauthier

Absent: Tracy DiBendetto, Damian Manning

Taking notes: Stephanie Brown

Start time: 7:07pm

  1. Stephanie went over minutes from previous meeting.
  2. Rick advised he met with new RCI manager Bill regarding sprinklers, issues, etc. Rick will follow up with Bill as time progresses.
  3. Stephanie & Rick went over letter regarding Hwy 73 & Millwood fence. Rob advised to add that we will give homeowners 2 weeks to take care of issues before board steps in. Board will hand out letters to homeowners once letter is finalized. Rick advised that he sprayed the fence on Hwy 74 behind first home and ½ of second (that was all that was accessible w/out going into a homeowners yard).
  4. Doug advised that this Thursday (august 15th) the window will be replaced in the clubhouse at 7am. Rick will meet with Plaquemine Glass at 7am.
  5. Doug advised that the contractors he spoke with regarding overlay of parking lot do not work jobs this small. Doug advised that he has reached out to 2 other recommended contractors for information/quotes.
  6. We spoke about 2nd handrail for pool. Board decided that for now the 1 handrail is sufficient.
  7. Stephanie went over quotes from KGB for weir/bulkhead. Weir quote is $5,800.00. Bulkhead quote is $19,550.00. KGB will give $800.00 discount if we commit to both projects. Rick and Kenny met with KGB who advised that weir can be done in 3 months and bulkhead can be done in 1 year. Rob and Rick would like to commit to weir now as it needs to be fixed asap. Contracts have conflicting info on if sod is included in quotes. Stephanie will contact KGB to clarify and will advise board. Board will then vote on job(s).
  8. Rick advised that he would like to put up cameras near dumpster. He advised the cost for the camera would only be approximately $40. Rick raised the motion, Alberta 2nd, all present approved.
  9. Rick also advised that he’d like to add 2 cameras on the clubhouse. One on the outside pointing directly to dumpster and second inside the clubhouse. Rick advised that 2 additional cameras with cables would be approximately $160. Tabled until next meeting pending purchasing cheaper pre-owned cameras.
  10. Kenny will make a couple signs for playground stating “Playground closes at 9pm”
  11. Rick got price on screen for hallway. 42” with cables is approximately $400. Rob asked if it had to be 42” and advised he might have a screen at his office that he can donate to the HOA. Rob likes the idea of deterring but doesn’t want residents to feel uncomfortable. Richard agreed that a small screen would be sufficient. Doug would like to see what Rob has and if it works only cost would be mount and cables.
  12. Things to think about for next pool season: lost & found bin, floor fan for hallway to help dry, connection/pump for homeowners to inflate floats.
  13. Richard went over homeowners that still have unpaid dues. 2 homeowners not paid and will not respond to monthly letters.
  14. Richard went over financial statement.
  15. Rick went over new/more detailed spreadsheet for finances. Rob asked if we could separate lawn maintenance into 2 categories. Grass cutting and landscaping. Rick advised yes and will separate.
  16. Rick would like to possibly replace tree behind pool that fell. Rob would like for us to get prices on replacement. Richard will get recommendations from a neighbor who’s familiar with this. Rick advised we still need to have stumps removed/grinded and hole filled.
  17. Rick went over protocol for homeowners credit hours. Doug stated that per the bylaws anything outside of the clubhouse walls can be credited. Rob and Rick also agreed. Monthly meetings, annual meetings cannot be credited.
  18. Alberta asked if I could make a post of FB at the beginning of each month reminding residents of most problematic violations. Rick also advised that I remind residents that we have a pressure washer available for homeowners for only $10/day.
  19. Rob advised that after homeowners have received 2 or 3 of the same violations that someone knock on the door and physically speak to homeowner about issue(s). Rob advised maybe asking homeowner if they need assistance.
  20. Rob would like a price on how much it would be to continue wooden fence behind playground all the way down. Rob advised he’s had multiple issues with kids coming in from other subdivisions riding motorized vehicles on the lawn, playground, pond area. Rick advised that the only homeowner to adjacent neighborhood without a fence is the first home. Rick advised there is a new homeowner at that home. Rob asked if maybe he could speak with homeowner to see if they have plans of installing a fence. Rick will speak with homeowner to get idea of if a fence is in the future. Additionally, they discussed the potential installation of thermoplastic playground markings in the playground area.
  21. Alberta advised that during the “Back to School Bash” the steps outside the clubhouse that lead to the pool were very wet and slippery. Rick advised that they may have some type of buildup on them and may need to be pressure washed.

Meeting ended 8:51pm