

2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

Old Mill HOA Annual Meeting

March 16, 2021, 7:00pm

Officers Present: Stephanie Brown, Richard Thompson, Kristin Stair, Rob Ray, Damian Manning, Alberta Gauthier

Absent: Rick Munch

There were 11 HOA members present in-person and others attending over Facebook Live through the Old Mill Facebook page.

Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 by HOA president Rob Ray. He introduced the officer team and provided a brief welcome.

Financial Statement by HOA Treasurer Richard Thompson
The Annual Financial Statement and the proposed 21-22 Budget was presented by Richard Thompson. Rob Ray highlighted a few of the budget items to review the use of funds that were spent on larger projects. It was announced that the last payment had been made on the construction of the bulkhead on HOA common property.  In addition, Rob reviewed the changes to the bylaws regarding the bulkhead and the work that was done to complete the project.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the budget.
With no objections, the motion passed.

Annual HOA Dues and the HOA Survey
Kristin Stair asked everyone to please remember to complete the HOA survey. The survey is available by paper copy that was delivered to each household which can be returned to the clubhouse mailbox. It can also be submitted electronically. It was stressed that this survey is being used to determine overall satisfaction of the subdivision, as well as to determine what events and workshops our subdivision might be interested in participating in over the course of the year.

A reminder was also made that HOA annual dues should be paid by April 1. Payment can be dropped off at the clubhouse mailbox or in-person on March 27th from 2-5 at the clubhouse.

Homeowner Concerns, Comments and Suggestions

Signs in Neighborhood
A homeowner asked about the signposts that are being used in other neighborhoods that are more decorative and similar to the bases found on mailboxes within our subdivision. They asked if this could be something that the HOA could explore as an option. Rob Ray agreed that it could be reviewed by the Board and suggested that they will need to talk with the Parish.




Fencing by the Pool and Pond
Rob also discussed some of the recent security issues that have arisen with children from neighboring subdivisions coming onto Old Mill property and vandalizing or misusing equipment. He relayed some concerns expressed by homeowners related to privacy and if it would be possible to install a wood fence along the pool and pond. He mentioned that in order to complete this, it would likely take a special assessment.

Many homeowners agreed that a fence or other method of privacy would be ideal, but some expressed concerns about a special assessment.

Motorized Golf Carts in Subdivision
A questions was asked about the Board’s perspective on the use of golf carts throughout the subdivision. It was discussed that at the last annual meeting, the sheriff’s office reiterated that there is very little a subdivision can do to prevent golf carts driving along roads, even if driven by children. However, the office encouraged homeowners to contact the police if someone exhibits reckless or dangerous behavior.
Neighborhood Repairs and Maintenance
Rob Ray and Stephanie Brown reviewed some of the repairs that have been made on the pool including resurfacing and grouting. Rob discussed that as the subdivision ages, we will begin to see more areas that need increased maintenance needs.

Homeowners were reminded about the pressure washer that can be rented from the HOA. Please contact the HOA at clubhouse@oldmillhoa.com for details on how it can be reserved.

The homeowners were also reminded that as it begins to warm up, more violation notices will be sent out regarding landscaping maintenance and violations. These reminders are intended to benefit the neighborhood by ensuring that it remains well-maintained. The Board also reminded the group that while these violations will be handed out, if there are circumstances that prevent someone from being able to care for their yard, especially if it is a temporary situation, to please reply back to the first warning email and let the board know. Failure to take care of violations can result in the landscaping company being asked to address the concerns and the charge will be placed on the homeowner. The board is happy to answer questions that homeowners may have about violations they are given, or the process as a whole.


Sewage Companies and Utilities that Impede Yards
A resident asked a question about how to contact the sewage company regarding equipment that is poorly maintained or impeding the resident’s yard. Homeowners were asked to reach out to the Board with concerns and they may be able to help reach out to the companies on their behalf or can possibly provide contacts at the companies that can help.




Road Quality
A resident asked who was responsible for filling potholes in the neighborhood. It was discussed the Parish is responsible for roads as well as official street signs.

Other signs such as pool and pond signs are the responsibility of the HOA and can be changed if needed.

Driveway Extension and Yard Damage
A homeowner asked about the yard damage and ruts in some driveways within the neighborhood and expressed concerns about how these areas affect the overall neighborhood appearance. There have been some notices going out regarding this issue and it was also brought up at the last Board meeting. It was asked if extending driveways is an option for homeowners who need more space in their driveways and if the HOA typically approves those requests. Damian Manning confirmed that the process to request a driveway extension is easy to complete and is often approved very easily.


Porch Extensions
A homeowner on Facebook asked about the approval process for aluminum patio extensions.  It was clarified that any structure built in a yard, must have shingles to cover the structure that matches the roofing materials of the house.


Election of Officers
After a call for nominations, the following officers were nominated to the board for the 21-22 year.

Rick Munch
Stephanie Brown
Richard Thompson
Kristin Stair
Rob Ray
Damian Manning
Alberta Gauthier
Elizabeth Waguespack


With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:10pm.


Submitted by:
Kristin Stair
Old Mill HOA Secretary