

January 2022 HOA Board Meeting Minutes

January Old Mill HOA Executive Meeting

January 12, 2022, 7:00pm

Present: Rob Ray, Kristin Stair, Elizabeth Waguespack, Donna McCaffery, Alberta Gauthier; Derrick Guillory

Absent: Scott Padgett, Damian Manning

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Kristin Stair.

Approval of the minutes
Kristin Stair presented the minutes from the December meeting.

Elizabeth Waguespack moved to approve the minutes as read.
The motion was seconded by Rob Ray
The motion to approve the minutes was approved

Financial Report
Donna McCaffery presented the Treasurer’s report. $3,800.30 were paid in expenses this month.
The HOA has a checking account balance of $2,295.37 and a savings account balance of

She has gotten the insurance check for the fence and roof and has been deposited
The deposit for the fence was paid as well as MowMasters for the damaged tree removal.

Rob Ray moved the accept the financial report as read.
Kristin Stair seconded the motion
With no objections the financial report was approved.

President’s report
Rob Ray reported that he had no major updates. He mentioned that he did want to address the landscaping and violations for the subdivision and a published plan for yard violations. It was agreed that this would be discussed later in the meeting.

Club House Update
Kristin Stair reported that there have been a few rentals for the clubhouse, however it is typically a slow time. She will drop off the deposit checks for Donna this week.

Elizabeth Waguespack asked if Nicole Vines had reached out to Kristin about replacing damaged items and a few maintenance items that need to be addressed. It was confirmed that she had reached out to Rob Ray to ask about replacing the trash can and about bleaching the blinds. The blinds will be an additional cost and should be done annually. It was asked if she could put that in writing with the associated costs and then it could be presented to the board for a vote.

Nicole was approved to purchase a trash can and was asked to submit her receipts so that she can be reimbursed.

Welcome Committee:
Alberta Gauthier presented the welcome report. She had no new homeowners. She asked about the policy for identifying new homeowners. Donna McCaffery reported that she gets the updates of properties that are closing and can start giving Alberta that information. Alberta will reach out to Donna to help remind her about getting regular updates.

Social Report
Elizabeth Waguespack was interested in possibly planning a Mardi Gras type of event but was unsure with COVID and the most recent surge. It was discussed that an outdoor event could be fine since it would allow for social distancing. She discussed organizing a bike parade for kids in the neighborhood with king cake at the club house. It was asked if a Parish police officer might be willing to ride in front of the line and could also be a source for letting us know if there are any restrictions that we need to be aware of before the event.

There were no objections to moving forward with planning the event.


Architectural update
Damian Manning was not able to attend the meeting, but did submit a report. Two houses have fences that are over the regulated height. He has contacted the homeowners and one has said that they will correct the issue, but he hasn’t heard back from the other homeowner. He asked that some board members go with him this weekend to talk with both homeowners.

Rob Ray agreed to reach out to him and help him with home visits.

Pool and Maintenance Updates
Derrick Guillory reported that the pergola at the pool has a post that is rotten and needs to be replaced before the pool season. It was asked if this was something that could be posted on Facebook to see if someone can replace it. It was agreed that someone with professional experience should assess it first to see how difficult the job might be. Rob Ray will contact someone in the neighborhood who might be able to help.

Derrick also was able to get the playground equipment repaired and installed.


Old business
Hurricane Damage

Kristin Stair reported on the fencing as well as the club house roof. The fencing has been installed. There are still a few issues that need to be repaired including the fence height on hwy 73 and some damage that the company will need to fix before the final amount will be paid.

Two quotes have been received for the club house roof. One was $16,000 the other was around $14,800. Kristin and Elizabeth will follow-up to see if they can get an additional quote so that the roof can be approved at the next meeting.

Remote programming
Rob Ray has not been able to look at the remotes yet. He is hoping to try again on Friday so that he can finish programming the new remotes for the homeowners.

Pool Pump and Maintenance
Derrick Guillory has been in touch with the pool company. To replace the pumps it will be $2,500 for both pumps, one is still in operation, but is likely to die halfway through the season. There will also be additional costs to repair leaking pipe fittings of $125, and to replace the sand which is $2,250. It will be $600 more if we cannot dispose of it ourselves.

For cleaning it will be approximately $3,500 to get the pool clean.

It was discussed that a new pool company may need to be looked at for the future and that Derrick has already begun looking for new quotes and will continue looking for new options.

Donna McCaffery moved to move forward with purchasing the new pool pumps and beginning the repair.
Elizabeth Waguespack seconded the motion.
With no objections motion passed

It was asked what the cost would be for a chiller or an additional pump and fountain to help cool the pool down. Derrick will get quotes to see what the expense might be.

Derrick discussed opening the pool in May and closing the pool at the end of September. It was asked if April might be possible. It was agreed that it was possible, but will be an additional cost for not as much use since the water will be cold.

Google Doc
Kristin Stair reminded the board about the Google Doc for To-Do’s.
She asked them to be sure to update the doc as they go so that everyone can see what needs to be done.


New Business
Annual Meeting Letters, Printing, and Distribution
Letters need to go out immediately after the next meeting for the annual meeting notice. It was agreed that March 15 will be the date of the annual meeting.

Kristin Stair will edit the letter and send it out to the board for approval over the next two weeks. Once approved, she will print the letter and then give everyone the materials to hand out at the next meeting.

She will also include an info sheet for people interested in running for the board and make a Facebook post

She also discussed that she created a google doc that can be used for officer duties as well as maintenance items and policies and procedures for the subdivision so that information can more easily be passed down to new board members. On this document there is also a list of officer expectations that she asked that the board look at and consider adopting since new members will be coming on in March.

Lawn Maintenance and Policies
It was discussed that there needs to be a process in place for home and yard violations as well as a protocol and list of expectations that homeowners can see in advance to know what is expected for maintaining lawns. It was discussed that on the current violation letter the requirements are listed.

Kristin Stair shared what was passed in January 2020. One of the issues with this process that the policy involves waiting almost 4 months before any action is taken against the homeowner. It was asked if violations are currently being sent out. It was unclear if violations are currently being sent out regularly.

It was mentioned that the Facebook post about yard maintenance was good and more of those should be posted.

It was suggested that each board member could possibly take a road and keep an eye on their road for violations and notify the board when violations are posted.

It was also suggested that we might not be able to issues fine, but we could turn off pool keys and prevent clubhouse rentals for those who are routinely not taking care of their property. The RV’s and the boats also need to be discussed as part of the violations.

It was discussed that the annual meeting would be a good time to roll out the new expectations and violations and it was agreed that the board can start working on the procedures this month and then discuss it at the next meeting in February.


Derrick asked who is responsible for the streetlights and notified the board of an outage. Donna said she will report the outages online.



The meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.

Kristin Stair