

April 2024 Meeting Minutes

Old Mill HOA Meeting Agenda 4/8/24


Scott Padgett, Alberta Gautier, Rick Munch, Heather Lukse, Amy Turner, Treasurer nominee Amber Chambless

Scott called meeting to order 6:23pm, seconded by Alberta

Review of Minutes from previous meeting

  • Review of minutes from March – No significant updates

Treasurer Report

  • Scott nominated Amber Chambless for Treasurer. Motion for vote, motion seconded by Heather Lukse. Vote passed 5/5 in favor. Amber
  • Dues Update for 24/25 – 20 homes unpaid, 14 need late fees & pool card deactivation/clubhouse privileges revoked.
  • 23/24 Taxes were filed
  • Review of service hours to be recorded

President Report & New Business 

  • Internet is coming 4/12 to clubhouse
  • A discussion was brought up to update process of accessing DVR cabinet. Due to the 2 person rule for viewing footage, there have been 2 incidents that have not been captured due to us not knowing the system was down. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that the primary reason for the 2 person rule was the camera by the bathroom. The Board decided that removal of this camera would also remove the 2 person requirement for viewing footage such that Board members could check on the system as they are available. Scott volunteered to remove the camera on 4/12 when the internet is installed.
  • Covenants Updating Progress – Waiting for draft to come back from Lawyer.
  • Scott wants to add verbiage in bylaws for 1 vote per address so spouses can join Board. This will be incorporated into the upcoming bylaws update happening in conjunction with the covenants updating.

VP Report 

  • Irrigation Repairs made to both entrances.
  • Pool lights underwater are being worked
  • Specific Date & Time for monthly Board meeting – Rick would like a monthly set time and date for Board meetings. After some discussion, it was agreed that the Board would maintain flexibility of 2nd Monday or 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:15PM, and would attempt not to deviate from that. The Board committed to also do a better job of letting the neighborhood know about Board meetings so they could take advantage of the time to come and ask questions/give input.
  • Conduct Board meeting by Roberts Rules of Order – Rick brought up that he thinks we are not adhering strictly to Roberts Rules of Order for Board meetings. Most members agreed, with the caveat of with all the turnover the Board has had it has been difficult to adhere to strict rules. Now that the Board is more stable, we can adhere to the rules more correctly.


  • Need temporary cleaner for next few weeks while current cleaner is recovering from medical leave. Scott will solicit Facebook page for volunteers.


  • Lawn Maintenance weekly vs. Biweekly, divert funds to landscaping and/or other things – Scott proposed moving HOA lawn maintenance from weekly to biweekly so that funds could be diverted from lawn maintenance to landscaping. An official vote was not held but 4 of 6 members expressed they did not feel that was an appropriate course of action.


  • Everything basically back to normal. Scott wants to go ahead and resupply the chemicals we used in 2023 (Shock and spare tabs), as well as get a vacuum hose, ~$600 for everything
  • Scott would like to start a rotating schedule for folks to take out trash by the pool, with 1 service hour a week (every tuesday) 


  • No Significant Update 


  • Mother’s/Father’s Day Craft will be planned for April 28. The board also recommended the following social activities for the future:
    • Pool movie night, jambalaya cookoff, fishing rodeo, food trucks night, father’s day event, musician for pool area, potluck

Scott called for meeting to adjourn 8:32. Seconded by Heather Lukse.