

December 2021 HOA Board Meeting Minutes

December Old Mill HOA Executive Meeting

December 20, 2021, 7:00pm

Present: Rob Ray, Damian Manning, Kristin Stair, Elizabeth Waguespack, Donna McCaffery, Alberta Gauthier

Absent: None

Guests: Scott Padgett, Derrick Guillory

The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm by Rob Ray, Old Mill HOA President.

Approval of the minutes
Kristin Stair reviewed the minutes from the November meeting.

Rob Ray moved to approve the minutes as read.
The motion was seconded by Elizabeth Waguespack.
The motion was approved

During review of the minutes it was discussed that at the last meeting a homeowner inquired about how long video from the security cameras is saved to the computer. After looking at the cameras, Kristin reported that video is kept for three weeks before being automatically deleted.

Financial Report

Donna McCaffery presented the financial report.
She has made the payment for the deposit on fencing that was damaged during Hurricane Ida. She also made a payment for the gap in insurance coverage for the month of December, however she has not heard back from the insurance company yet with a new policy.

Kristin Stair moved to approved the financial report as read
The motion was seconded by Damian Manning
The motion was approved

Hurricane Maintenance Updates
Elizabeth Waguespack reported that the current insurance policy will no longer cover the fencing or the pool. The current representative offered to shop some additional coverage plans for us, however she has not yet heard back about plan options.

The board followed up on a resident comment from the November meeting about insurance coverage and Elizabeth confirmed that the resident was correct. The insurance adjuster corrected the claim to match the newer price.

Kristin Stair reported that fencing has been approved and is scheduled for the first week of January. The cost will be lower than originally anticipated.

Kristin also reported that a homeowner needs assistance with cleaning an area of storm debris before the fencing is installed. A work day needs to be scheduled anyway for repairs to the subdivision and this could possibly be incorporated into that day.

Elizabeth mentioned the club house roof still needs to be replaced. The insurance payout for roof was $10,310. Two more quotes are needed for the roof.

Elizabeth will check on one quote and Kristin asked if Derrick could contact Premier or if he could send her the info for it. Will contact two additional quotes to try to get the roof installed early next year.

President report
Rob Ray has gotten the program that is used to program the remotes installed and has the gate keys loaded onto the computer, however the remotes are still not programming. He is going to buy a new cord to see if that is the issue. He will follow-up on that and get the cord this week to try to get them programed.

Pool Update
The pool company has reported that the pump and filter both need to be replaced. Damian Manning will contact the pool company and get a meeting set up with Derrick to get info about the pool.

It was discussed that it might be worth waiting on covering the pool since it is already so late in the year. This will be brought up with the pool company at the meeting.

It was stressed that the pump needs to be replaced as soon as possible.

Welcome Committee:
Alberta Gauthier reported that the flowers that were moved by MowMasters looked good and seem to be doing well.

She reported that she and Elizabeth Waguespack awarded the first yard of the month since the hurricane. She expressed concern that many more yards than usual were in bad shape. She strongly encouraged the board that they need to make it a priority to establish a clear warning and violation system to get yards addressed that are in violation.


Architectural update
Damian Manning provided an update on the fencing requests. One homeowner installed a fence that was too tall. Damian is working with them about getting it to the correct size.


Social Report
Elizabeth Waguespack has had no new updates for social events.

It was suggested that maybe January could be a good time for a potential camp-out or other social event. The workday could be used to help treat outdoors areas in preparation for an event.

Rob Ray asked if Elizabeth could post something to the Facebook page to see when a good date might be for an event.


New Officers
With no objections, Derrick Guillory will be added to the board as chair of the pool committee.

Scott Padgett will step in as Maintenance Committee Chair and VP for the subdivision.

Kristin Stair will work with the clubhouse booking and maintenance. She will also contact the webmaster to help get the website updated and set up their email accounts.

Maintenance Updates

Derrick Guillory replaced the lights with a new switch that will turn on when the sun sets. This should prevent having to reset them as often.

There are a few items including the playground repair, covering the pool, etc that need to get completed in the subdivision. It was suggested that January 15th be set for a work day at 10:00. Kristin Stair will check into scheduling a Facebook post. Rob Ray and Damian Manning will take care of making sure that they have anything they need for the workday. Rob will offer car programming for anyone else who needs gate access.

If the pool company says the pool needs to be covered, then Rob and Damian will get a small group that they can get together to cover the pool before the work day.

Rob asked if there was a document available for pressure washer rental. Kristin mentioned the email that she forwarded to him before was the documentation that she had found for it. Donna offered to put together a form that can be used for rentals.

Alberta Gauthier asked if the sprinklers have been checked. Rob asked if mow masters could check those for us? Alberta will check with them to see if they will do it, she will also reach out to Rick about how to check the sprinklers.

It was suggested that a google doc be created so that the officers can access what needs to be done. Kristin said she would create one and send it out to the board.

It was mentioned that homeowners have asked about new lights or brighter lights around the subdivision. It was asked if new lights could be added. This will be brought up at another meeting to contact Entergy and determine what that cost and process might be.


Other business
Some of the anonymous reports were discussed. The board has been receiving several of the same complaints repeatedly. One of the yards in question was discussed and the board agreed that it was not an issue, however they will keep an eye on the area to see if it gets worse.

It was discussed that a padlock and a chain may be needed for next hurricane season to prevent the gate being open during outages.

Rob Ray asked if Kristin Stair could post something about winter weed control to the Facebook page.

Derrick asked about the grass on the edge of the road. It was asked if that could be added to a workday.

Strategies were discussed to update contact information this year and what that process would need to look like as we start to think about the annual meeting.



The meeting adjourned at 8:53.

Kristin Stair


After the Meeting:
Friday, January 7, 2022
The HOA was contacted by our insurance company to approve a new policy since the old one has expired. In order to keep the same rate, coverage would no longer include the fence and the pool. It was discussed that the new policy is higher to include the pool and the fence, however, we have to move forward with a policy immediately. It was suggested that this current policy be accepted and that the board begin looking at new policies as soon as possible to switch to try to find a better rate.

The motion was made by Rob Ray to approve the policy as presented by Kacie Schexnayder with Hughes Insurance that will cover all items in the old policy and will include the fence and the pool at a new premium of $9,935 and a 3% deductible on wind and hail claims.

The motion was seconded by Scott Padgett.
The motion passed by majority vote.