

July 11, 2018 HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Board Minutes for July 11th 2018


7:15 pm Start


In Attendance

Rob Ray

Kenny Brown

Doug Pourciau

Jessica Benson

Rick Munch

Richard Thompson

Cory DiBenedetto

Tracy Mathis-DiBenedetto


Landscaping Contractor Steve Ely

Schedule is 2 – 3 weeks out

Best time to plant ideally is October/Novemeber

Does not do contracts, but does do an annual budget with a monthly installment plan.

Payments are split even across 12 months.

Will send two  bids in for cutting all common area grass, and just grass around flower bed.

All bids include labor and materials

Does not do individua yards, if he is on chosen landscape contractor and a home owner is unable to mow their yard the board can work something out with him

Chemically Treats for pest every quarter


7:45 pm Steve exited


Rob – All spending must be voted on as a board.

Voting can be done through group text or email.

All communications must be approved by the board before being posted, sent, emailed, ect…..

Board members are the only people to use the board credit card.

Home Owners approve budget for year.

Reserve is for extraordinary expenses (pool cover, landscaping overhaul, parking lot repair..)

Board can vote to pull money from reserve

Special meetings will be called for major and time consuming topics.

Committee Chair will bring all new business and a planned budget to the board for approval.

Meeting minutes will be submitted for approval no later than 7 days after the board meeting

Board members have 3 days to make any adjustments.

Minutes will be posted 2 weeks after meeting


Richard – Annual Budget is on Target.

All four home owners late on dues have been in touch and will be paying.

Richard – is confident two of the homes will pay asap.

Tracy    – advised fees will be paid when house is sold.

Rick      – Renter is open to paying a portion of rent to the board to get the dues caught up.


Rob – Should we change the late fee from $50.00 a month to a flate fee or a smaller monthly fee?

Richard – $25.00 the first month and a flat fee of $50.00

Kenny – When would we move to lien?

Rob – Proposed two months after the fee cap.

Doug – Is a lien worth the expense

_Cost of lien would be covered in lien_ Yes, Lien is worth the cost of the expense.

Tracy – Can people work off their late fees?

Cory – Can we decided on a case to case basis?

Rick – Move to table Late fee discussion due to time.

– All board members were in favor of tabling late fees-


8:34 Rick Exited



Rob – motioned to make Stephanie Brown Point person and only person to contact our website administrator and the sole administrator of our Facebook page. 2nd


Kenny 2nd Motion


All In Favor 7 –  Tracy, Cory, Jessica, Rob, Kenny, Doug, Richard   Against – 0 Indifferent – 0


Rob – motioned Architectural committee must have three people . Until Rick chooses who else will be on the committee Kenny and Cory will be acting on the Architectural committee.


Jessica 2nd the motion


All in Favor 7 – Tracy, Cory, Jessica, Rob, Kenny, Doug, Richard  Against – 0 Indifferent – 0


Rob – Motioned to create a new committee, the committee chair would be Jessica Benson and would include but not limited to welcoming new residents, get well wishes, congratulations, birthday recognition, and appreciation for the home owners. The budget to set at $500.00.


Cory 2nd Motion


All in favor 7 – Tracy, Cory, Jessica, Rob, Kenny, Doug, Richard Against – 0 Indifferent – 0


Rob –  Motioned the Committee Chairpersons be as follows

Rick – Club House and Architectural

Kenny – Pool

Cory – Landscaping

Doug – Pond

Tracy – Social

Stephanie – Communications


Kenny  2nd the motion


All in Favor 6 – Tracy, Jessica, Rob, Kenny, Doug, Richard  Against 1 – Cory Indifferent – 0


Cory stepped down as landscaping chair.


Need new landscaping chair.


Rob Motioned approval of $5000.00 for full parking lot repair. To pull from reserve if the maintenance budget does not have enough,


Kenny 2nd the Motion


All in Favor 7 – Tracy, Cory, Jessica, Rob, Kenny, Doug, Richard


Cory advised parking lot will be closed for 48 hours for work to be done and asphalt to harden.


Kenny – Motioned for backfill and sod to be paid by average per lot for sod and backfill. 1 bill for each side or the pond.


Doug 2nd the Motion


All in favor 7 – Tracy, Cory, Jessica, Rob, Kenny, Doug, Richard  Against – 0 Indifferent – 0


KGB  will bill the HOA directly.

HOA will not reimburse Home Owners, due to the fact KGB will bill the HOA for their portion of the bill.


Rob –  Motioned the Kenny make the following signs


– NO SWIMMING – POOL IS CLOSED    (during months pool is closed_


-Children under the age of 15 must supervised by an adult


Jessica 2nd the Motion


All in Favor 7 – Tracy, Cory, Jessica, Rob, Kenny, Doug, Richard


Cory will call and get estimates to either repair or replace the 2 fogged up windows in the Clubhouse

A vote will take place through group text to chose Replace or Repair.


9:30 pm Meeting ended