Attendees – Scott Padgett, Heather Lukse, Alberta Gautier, Derrick Guillory
630 – Derrick called meeting to order. Scott seconded
President – Donna is resigning as HOA treasurer as of 1/10/23. The board thanks her for her service.
Derrick nominated Rick Munch to the board. Heather seconded. The board voted 4-0 of members present to approve Rick to the board.
Derrick nominated Rick as treasurer in Donna’s place. Scott Seconded. The board voted 4-0 of members present to approve Rick as new treasurer.
Derrick presented 2 quotes from 2 different lawn companies. Scott nominated FT lawn care. Heather seconded the nomination. The board approved 4-0 to hire FT Lawn Care
Scott solicited a paint quote from ASIC Painting for the clubhouse. The scope of work will include all trim, ceilings, doors, windows, and curtain walling contractors for the clubhouse’s interior walls, with the exception of the storage room. all trim, ceilings, and doors and windows.
Pool – the board is moving forward with ordering pool furniture.
With no more new business, Scott motioned to adjourn at 7:43pm. Derrick Seconded.