Attendees: Scott Padgett, Heather Lukse, Alberta Gautier, Rick Munch, Josette Williams-Castell
6:18 – Scott called to order. Mrs. Alberta seconded
Treasurer – Proposed budget from previous meeting was modified. Final adjustments will be made before given to the neighborhood at the neighborhood annual meeting.
Scott moved to have final adjustments made before the next board meeting, which will also be before the next annual meeting. Derrick seconded.
President – Josette Williams-Castell was nominated by Derrick to the board. Heather Seconded. Scott motioned to vote to approve the nomination. The board approved 4-0 of members present to have her added to the board. The board welcomes Josette and is thankful for her volunteering to help the neighborhood.
President Update:
Pool – New pool maintenance company has been determined to be Russell Pools out of Baton Rouge. They will start maintaining the pool 3/13. Derrick recommends opening the pool 3/18. The Board voted 5-0 in favor of this.
Derrick proposed getting 5 more umbrellas with the new pool furniture. Board voted 4-1 in favor of getting them.
Scott recommended 3/28 for annual meeting. Board members approved this date.
Garden/Welcome – No updates.
Clubhouse – No updates.
Secretary – Scott will get with Rick on format/forms for Annual Meeting notice. Scott proposed that the board meet Sunday 3/12 at 5pm to go over forms and annual meeting agenda.
Rick and Josette will have a handoff of treasurer duties as Josette transitions to take on that role.
815pm Scott Motioned to Adjourn. Josette seconded.