
November and December Minutes


Meeting called to order at 6:21pm by Scott and seconded by Sabrina.

The neighborhood collected $335 for the social. Social event was

well received.

Louisiana Sec of state board members need to be updated, and annual report filed. Reporting last file date of 6/23 but he believes it has been done since then.

BOI “Beneficial Ownership information” needs to be filed as well.

Pool guy is having trouble with his billing system and was last paid in Sept. We haven’t received a bill for Oct yet.

Service hours need to be turned in monthly to Amber.

Annual meeting is coming up- the budget will be the biggest topic. The board to possibly make some adjustments to the numbers and categories of the budget for 2025.

The anticipated date of the meeting to be the 2nd Tuesday of March 2025 3/11/25.

Scott mentioned that even with increasing the dues to $475, we are barely keeping up with costs much less improvements. Large items like insurance deductibles have not been part of the budget and premiums are higher than expected. The Board anticipates having to go up on dues again soon.

Susan will research other community HOA dues for comparison in cost/budget/amenities.

Insurance deductible for fence replacement/repair was $6500 and through Hughes.

Scott mentioned putting a poll out to the community on what

residents would like to see/have in terms of improvements and/or amenities, to-do items, items of importance.

Sabrina to contact Entergy about street lights in Old Mill to inquire about changing to daylight bulbs and or replacing bulbs.

Scott met with Falcon Mire (attorney) today and all liens have been filed in the courthouse for homeowners with outstanding HOA dues. This will be our last interaction with this attorney

Susan to make FB post inquiring of resident interest in “Food Truck Fridays”.

Mrs. Alberta to adjust funds in the budget related to wreaths and plants. Specifically, taking some money from wreath funds to supplement for plants.

Scott to get quotes on cost to establish an emergency text message board. The idea is to have as a update/status for emergencies, not as Q and A message board.

Scott to make post about getting Santa letters submitted dates will be 11/30-12/15.

Good news – the bad plaster spots in pool can be fixed rather than having to drain pool and completely replaster!!

Meeting adjourned approx: 8:13pm.


Meeting called to order at 6:19pm by Scott and seconded by Mrs. Alberta.

The HOA Old Mill insurance will be renewed in January and will be increasing. Susan to call around and shop for better quotes.

Scott filed the annual report with SOS so we are up to date. Scott also filed the BOI thing.

The clubhouse water line must be moved due to the location being too close to the gas line for annual inspection. These annual inspections have just been mandated by the water company. We anticipate $1000 or less for moving the line.

2025 proposed annual budget – looking to begin communicating to residents about increasing dues for 2026

Scott mentioned doing an online Q and A for residents concerning budget expenditures.

4 residents are still outstanding on HOA dues.

Annual meeting coming up in March 2025. Board members will be meeting to stuff reminder letters in Feb for all residents as it gets closer.

Amber is holding key to the message board. The condition of it has deteriorated. Sabrina may have access to other message boards through her work and will check on it.

Sabrina and Amber have volunteered to respond to the Santa letters!

Entergy has continually been unresponsive to requests for changing light bulbs in street lights throughout the neighborhood.

We received a positive response on the “Food Truck Fridays” and plan to try to implement that beginning in January.

Mrs. Alberta has received a quote for 7 drift roses plants and soil for approx.: $400. After deductions from other budgeted plants the cost will be $300. She is still experimenting with wreaths and possibly utilizing bows instead of full wreaths of ribbon and fillers. To be continued

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Scott at 7:15pm and seconded by Mrs. Alberta then Amber.